Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28, 2011

"I suffer from girlnextdooritis where the guy is friends with you and that's it..."

Hey! Long time no blog, eh? Summer is in two school days, yay! I am suppose to be studying for finals but I decided I needed a personal break. I guess I should have logged on to my blog with an idea or something cause I'm just staring at my laptop hoping for and idea or thought. Last week we visited Derek in Oklahoma for his graduation from bootcamp. Tears were involved. While we were at our stay in Oklahoma there was a tornado! I was pretty excited about it cause there are no tornadoes where I am from. I kinda have this crush on this guy... he's cute (I think he is), sweet, GREAT personality and a smile. It's weird cause usually I just say a boy is cute and don't go after them. He is different. There are just two problems: 1. That he is a "boy slut". He's only had sex with one girl and all of a sudden he has declared himself a "sex god". Ya... I'd rather eat my left arm then have sex at my age. 2. I have some competition. I haven't asked him about it but my friend was talking to the girl. She's not cute. Okay, I lied. She is pretty. She told my friend he likes her and last time I heard he was "borderline" about me. My question is: WHAT THE HECK DOES BORDERLINE MEAN?! That's my somewhat love life for ya... It's more of a wreck if you ask me. Lately I've been reminiscing of back in the day when I had a Facebook. I was so involved with everything and now when people talk I'm like " huh? what happened?" it's more embarrasing than anything. I've also been thinking about my old friends. Last year was fun - never a dull weekend - and this year it's like: different day, same crap. Next year I hope will change for the better. 
- A'Breezy 


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011

" You can't have a world w|out clouds, but you can have a heart full of sunshine "

Good Afternoon! I swear it gets hotter and hotter everyday yet I'm outside jammin' to T-Swift (: Today I had to stay after school unfortunately but I was with the homies and I was called a "white-girl" because I listen to Taylor Swift. I'm not white nor am I close... well maybe personality wise. I got my first letter back from Derek the other day!!! How exciting! Easter was definitely not the same without him. I had to search for eggs ALL by myself :/. I did earn 25 bucks though! My parents really thought two year olds would rather search for eggs rather than play with chalk and bubbles, they were wrong. We finally got a WII the other day and no joke, my parents have taken over it. I swear they bought it for themselves :) Secret Life of the American Teenager is back on!! It's kinda pointless to continue the episodes though since she is no longer pregnant and you can practically guess everything that is going to happen. I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the week. Free pie tomorrow at Village Inn, wooo!
- Alexis Bennett (:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011

image" Man I'm too much for these niggas, and three much for these hoes! " - Lil Wayne
O'haiiii ! (: I'm just jamming' to lil weezy and my hubby (Drake). It's been a lovely day. I had my final AIMS test and I pray that I met the standard! It's raining today, more of a slow sprinkle. It never rains here so this is quite the event. Tonight I'm going to yoga. I'm not as flexible as I used to be so this is quite the downfall, I hope I don't embarrass myself... too much . The other day my friend got put in the "buddy zone" the other day. Now before we speak of this soo called "buddy zone" shouldn't we understand what a buddy zone is?
This is the worst position someone can be in, if they have feelings for someone. When a person develops romantic feelings for someone, but the other person only sees the relationship as just being friends. Because the two are around each other a lot, the one in love will harbor his/her feelings for the others. Only to become completely comsumed by this person. This leads to the one in love to complain to all his/her friends about the situation. I've never been put into this buddy zone so I had trouble soothing her , from what I've read this seems sucky. My only close experience was freshman year, I had a HUGE crush with this guy in my class. He was a junior and I thought he was dreamy. We'd text all the time and then he got a girlfriend. Then like three months later he admitted he had a crush on me... uh story of my life much? I look back now and think what the heck did I see in this kid? Tell me your closest buddy zone experience, or if you are in the buddy zone. Time for yoga :)
Thanks so much for reading :)
- Abreezy
twitter: lexyy90
YouTube: beepboplexy ( new video!)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5, 2011

“ I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real ”
“ I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real ”
- Marc Jacobs
Helloooo world(: I got my
laptop! HUZZAHH! Its spacebar actually works and it has a shnazzy wittle webcam. I skipped some people like my friend Tasha who I haven't seen in MONTHS, if you weren't sure me and her used to be SO close and it is difficult for us to even say a mere hello to eachother. Suuuucksss! I lost a " best friend" this break but I know God has something in store for me (: I've been in my computer room for atleast two hours jammin' to Jamie Grace. She is my hero. I wrote my brother a letter the other day, I cried the whole time I typed it. Just thinking about when we were little and how we didn't really spend much time together really got me. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I wrote the letter, as I blog this I can't help but shed a tear. I know everything will turn out okay though, everything happens for a reason right? (: Aims was today, Math. I absolutely hate math, it is probably my weakest subject. I'm pretty positive I didn't exceed but im sure I passed. Thaaaank gosh! Tomorrow is bio aims, wish me luck. Hope everyone has a good week and good luck fellow aims takers! :)

- abreezy :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 09, 2011

30 DAY CHALLENGE: A picture of your night.
My night is gonna consist of Reese's, Flarp Noise Putty, Fake teeth, Paint my nails, Would You Rather.. Book, and learn some new guitar chords. Try to hold in your excitement. :)

Sooooo... less than three days til SPRING BREAK! Whoop derr it is. I need some plans for Friday night cause it's the last day of school and nobody does nothing on the last day of school. Some B.S. (bull snack) if people stay home. I can not be a Bull Snack. ahah. Mostly everyone is going to the Ostrich Festival Friday though :/ (of course, I can't go) So I have to make new new plans. T-Swift timeee.

"Hoping that you can't hear me, cause I feel like I'm thinking out loud."
- Katy McAllister


Monday, March 7, 2011

March 07, 2011

DAY 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show
I'm pretty addicted to The Game & Pretty Little Liars.

Holaa! This weekend has been the LONGEST weekend ever. My brother's going away party was Friday. Everything has gone so fast, just a few months ago he told us he was joining the Army as a Medic. Our last goodbyes were today, honestly I didn't think I was going to cry. I guess things don't always go as planned. 3 months until I see him again.
Thats pretty much all thats going on right now.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 03, 2011


Day 2: A picture of the friend you've known the longest.

If you don't know already... This is my BEST FRIEND Marrissa. Who I have known since birth!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 02, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge:

Okay, so I know I've tried this before and have FAILED at it but I'm just gonna try, try, try again. (NAME THAT SONG!)
1. A picture of yourself with 15 facts.


  • I only paint my nails pink
  • Jamie Grace is my FAVORITE Christian music artist
  • I feel extra "gangstaa" when I listen to Gangsters & Strippers by Too $hort
            • I am the queen of procastination
  • I can't leave the house without eyeliner
  • I enjoy reading for fun
  • Breakfast for dinner = LOVE
  • I enjoy the occasional hobo on the street
  • My parents and I drive down Van Bueren in search of strippers and pimps
  • I don't fully understand the hype about Kokomo
  • I strongly dislike eggs at restraunts
  • I start trends... ex: I deleted my Facebook soon all my friends started deleting it.
  • When people ask if I will ever get a tattoo I tell them "yes, a wal-mart smiley face and a stripper pole"
  • I can never sleep past 9... it suuuuuuucks!
  • Starburst Fiesta are my addiction... crave me some starburst.

Awessshhhoooomeee. I hope you all enjoyed my "kissy face" and enjoyed my 15 facts.

yours truly,
- A'breezy

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011

" Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend "

Goodmorning (: So I've recovered from my sickness (thank goodness!) and well all my special treatment is gone. No more eating upstairs, no one buys me Starbursts and it is heart-breaking. I'm also back at school and catching up on all my homework and quizzes was hard but I'm finally done! Phew! That's probably the worst thing about being sick. Friday night I attended Revolve Tour, if you aren't sure what it is it's a Christian Music Concert for teen girls. Basically they gave us advice about our dreams and never give up. The music was also not bad, my favorite singer was Jamie Grace. If you aren't familiar with her music you should definitely google it. I'm usually not big on Christian music and much tater prefer Drake or some Lil Wayne but it wasn't bad, some of it didn't even sound like it'd be Christian music. It was suppose to be a 2-Day event but my mom and I woke up late the second day and missed it. Instead we went on a long journey to get a new camera. YAY! We bought a Nikon D140 and I'm pretty stoked about using it :). New camera means new photo shoot! If you don't already know, I LOVE taking pictures and our old camera broke so I haven't been able to take any and have been stuck with my crappy EasyShare Kodak camera. I'm in search of a field with some pretty flowers so I can take pictures there, I got the idea from Taylor Swift's "Speak Now" album photos. Soo I've been o the search for some cool websites that I can just read and enjoy. A friend of mine recently showed me this advice column that is held on Formspring, and she gives the BEST advice. I haven't been able to ask her anything yet but I know if I need help she will be the first person I ask! Her URL is :
You should definitely check her out! I love reading little blogs and stuff so if you have any good stuff SEND ME THE URL! :D

lots of lovee,
A'Breezy :)

Ask Me Questions:
Twitter: @lexyy90
YouTube: BeepBopLexy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24, 2011

Good Afternoon :). So I'm in my car and there is a bum outside my window. Same bum we've seen for a month. There used to be a guy bum but we aren't exactly sure of his whereabouts. I liked him more than the other bum cause he actually appeared dirty. She changes her clothes and it appears she washes herself AND she has a cell phone. How do you pay for a phone if you are a bum? Who do you even call? If you have people to call why don't you call home? or get a job? That's just the way I see it. This weekend is "Mother Daughter Bonding" and my grandpa's birthday is on Saturday. This bonding thing is a two day event at the Civic Theater. I'm going to hear about others problems and praise the Lord. I'm pretty pumped. In English today we had to write a story for a shoe. I consider mine the best since I had Moon Shoes. Let me just fill you in on what Moon Shoes are, they are purple and green, Velcro laces, (so you don't slip out), and springs at the bottom so you can BIZZOUNCEE! A long time ago I owned these snazzy shoes but they broke. We bought them at a flea market in California so I never bought another pair. When you are in a back seat of a car it's quite uneventful especially since the radio is off. My dad believes I should listen to my thoughts, but this silence is TOO loud! I hate when the window is down. I love the wind, but hate the sound. I also hate when you are having the best hair day and the window breeze messes it all up! You don't want to seem like a drama queen so you quietly put your hands over your hair but then you STILL appear as a over dramatic person. ugh.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 15, 2011

it's the day after Single Awareness day and well... I'm still sick. I went to school today and who would have guessed kids could be so obnoxiously LOUD! I was so tired... So I'm pretty positive my illness came from filthy kids at my school who can't cover there mouth and come to school sick. I blame them. I also blame Native New Yorkers cause that was the last restaurant I had eaten at the day before I became weak, fever at 99.5 and headaches... Today at school was quite tiring, I did the usual routine and I definitely nailed the art " DGAF'n" to school, just what I needed right? the highlight of my day was recieving MORE Reese Peanut Butter Cups! Ahhhhhh! I'm so excited :). I got Apple Juice and Zebra cakes stocked up so I'm thinking and hoping my week will get better. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011

Guess who figured out how to blog on her iPod? Me! It took about 15 minutes. Sorry for not having any fancy shmancy word fonts and colors but I'm still tryin to figure out how to add that and pictures. I haven't blogged in about 2 weeks and I apologize, just been busy. (who am I kidding? I was just too lazy!) I'm hoping with this new app which cost me 9.99 I will blog frequently. My DIY's have become a huge fail and I haven't done them since my first attempt. awesome. Is anyone else anti-valentines day? Because I am. There is a tent outside of Fry's selling valentine candies, flowers and all that cheesy crap. I think they just need a aisle of this, cause seriously you do NOT need a tent and a car to promote Valentine's day. If it is this serious then I should get a day off of school, real talk! I am absolutely in love with Pandora. If you don know what it is let me inform you, basically it's a Internet radio. Basically. Speaking of music, I learned to do the Cupid Shuffle the other day.. well kinda. My first try sucked and we video taped me doing it but my second attempt was good since I actually discovered what was goin on. I'll post it later when I actually stop being amused with my iPod and get on my laptop. Lately my friends have become mixed up in a BUNCH of drama an for once in my life I stayed out of it. I am SO proud of myself. I have no drama right now and I also got my phone back. this week has just rocketed by and I'm sorry for skipping around everywhere and not sticking on one topic but I'm just so excited. No dance practice this week.. WOO! I had no clue what to do with myself all week so that was a downfall. I'm on baby duty until my parents come home so I'll write later.
-a'breezy :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29, 2011

Life's story is as quick as the wink of any eye, Love's story
is merely a hello and a goodbye... until we meet again.
Goooodmorning! This week went by so fast. I just had to fill-out my new schedule for my junior year of high school. I signed up for: Lifegaurd training, Theatre Arts, and Yearbook. It is just sooo crazy how fast everythings going, in about two months I'm going to be taking the AIMS... and I'm shaking in my boots. Firstly, (is that even a word?) because me, math and biology do not get along.  Secondly, because if I don't pass I can't graduate high school until it's been passed. Then after AIMS comes the SATS after the SATS comes COLLEGE. I will be attending ASU in 2013 at the young age of 18. Graduating in 2017 in a sorority house. Pretty much I'm dreaming big, but it's what I do and will be accomplished. The past Thursday Vibe, my dance team, performed at Mr. HHS. We killed it. Although I messed up twice, probably more. Nobody seemed to notice though so it was all good. There was supposingly over 100 people in the auditorium which scared me to pieces. I was literally shaking! Afterwards, it was such a great feeling to accomplish the dancing. Last night I went to Kyana's house and we made a powerpoint for her mom on why she should take us to Taco Bell. It was one slide long but that's all it took to convince her. I got two 79 cent tacos and a small sprite with 89 cent cinnamon twist. Best meal... ever. On Wednesday I visited a longtime friend. We've pratically been friends since birth. My mom and her mom are best friends since high school. We all went to dinner and reunited. Her and I talked about how when we were little I read to her and she is older than me but I went to school early. Oh the memories.

Cierra & I at the beginning of practice.

I  was reading another blog today,, and this is something she said you can learn more about yourself by doing.. Strengths & Not-So-Strengths. Basically, saying whats your strengths are and what your not-so-strengths (weaknesses) are.
- Energy
- Activeness
- Ideas
- Writing
- Editing pictures
- Making videos
- Taking pictures
- Decorating
- Fashion
- Saving money
- Computers
- iPOD's
- Facebook
- Making backgrounds for blogs
- Typing
- Phone calls
- Hiking
- Math
- Cleaning
- DIY's
- Patience
- Taking care of fish
- Cutting
- Emailing/Texting back and forth
- Staying organized
- Keeping track of things

Three things I hope to become a strength is... Math, DIY's and Patience.
Maybe even cutting?

I know everyone has been dying to see my hiking pictures. I like how in EVERY picture my hand is on my hip. If that's not Sasha Fierce, I don't know what is! This was at South Mountain. We hiked 8-miles that day. These pictures were taken when we were at the top and at 2-miles.

-A'Breeeeezy :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

Yesterday is a canceled check;
Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have
spend it wisely.
- Drake

For the first time in months I stayed home and spent time with my family.
I went on a 8-mile hike today, no big deal. It was a struggle between Girl vs. Nature. I'm pretty sure I won since I didn't cut myself, or fall. Although I did trip. Alot. I didn't even have appropriate hiking attire. I was in hip-hop dance sweats, Vans and a Hollister shirt. Oh and did I mention my make-up was done and I had spritzed a bunch of perfume on? I am probably the most GIRLIEST girl that walked the earth. Four more days until my upcoming dance performance. I'm really excited cause I'm in the front in almost every dance, except the middle one. Even though I know that one better than the other two. My whole family is going which is nail-biting cause they have never seen me "bust-a-mack". I've been practicing though, tomorrow and Wednesday I have practice unfortunately. I wanted to go shopping tomorrow after school but I guess it has to be put off until Tuesday which sucks cause we have rehearsals Wednesday so HOPEFULLY I find something cute to wear. So the shirt I made SUCKED. It sucked so bad I don't even want to to post it. Let's just save the embarrassment right? My mom said it looked fine, but then again she also wanted me to shut-up cause I kept getting mad at the holes. Practice makes perfect though, so I'm going to buy a new boy shirt. Right about NOW, I'm emailing back and forth this little cutie and I think it's going great until they don't respond... coool. I'm trying to occupy my time elsewhere and yet I keep checking my iPod. Other than that though my night and day has gone rather well. It's been quite the weekend.
Time to kick back into "work mode".
-A'breezy :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011

hmm.. yes my head is quite cute on the side.
I'll take character over reputation.. your character is what you REALLY are,
while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
- Aubrey Graham (Drake)

If you haven't realized already, I'm a bit of a spaz. I do spazzy things and I have RANDOM thoughts that go through my head that if I actually said all of them outloud people would think I'm crazy. Not cute crazy... CRAZY CRAZY! I've been reading this little blog my mom showed me and at first I thought it'd be one of those "shabby chic" blogs that my mother LOVES to read. Yet, it's by far the best blog I have ever experienced. She does this DIY (do-it-yourself) stuff and well she has inspired me to try to do some creative expirements. Shirts? Jewelry? The works. That's my crazy idea that I'd want to try to do and then add a little page on here for all my little experiments. Tonight I'm going to try to make this shirt and if it works out how I expect. Tomorrow it will be posted! Let me know what you think of this crazy idea. I am always reading about these characters in books (yes, I read) that shop in little thrift shops. I want to try it, and find cute little findings that I know nobody has. I know only one cute thrift shop called "Buffalo Exchange" but I usually only drop clothes off there. It's in Tempe where my father works and I usually have to beg my mom to take me there. I'm hoping she will take me there tomorrow. Do you ever have that feeling when you don't have enough time and yet you have all the time in the world? Story of my life. I feel like I should be doing something yet there is NOTHING to do. I guess that's why I want to start doing the DIY stuff. Although it's fun hanging with friends every weekend. Maybe I should spend my time more wisely. There is a 12-year old girl on Facebook who knits scarfs. SCARFS! I can't even knit a coaster. I have these really cute jeans that my butt would just look GREAT in but they have a huge-gashing hole on the butt. If only I personally knew this 12-year old she could knit them for me. Is it called knitting when want to fix a hole or patching? Whatever the word is... I WANT HER TO DO IT FOR ME! My dad knows how to sew and yet he doesn't use his skills for me nor will he teach me, since my mom and him are petrified for me to use a needle. I guess it's not too weird since I stabbed myself with scissors... In the middle of Magic Noodle today my mom asked if I missed my brother. I never really thought about it but while thinking about it my eyes started waterying. I guess I do miss him. I miss fighting with him mostly. I'm in a house with two adults, no other kid in the house to just hang out with or to fight with. I miss those days when we'd fight over the remote or computer... strange. My dad said I could be a great actress, water works are my specialty.

Day Two:
photos that bring you good memories.

8th Grade - My Birthday.
I miss these girls. This was our FAVORITE picture.
Then... HIGHSCHOOL CAME, and we went out seperate ways.
We had the best times in that mini-van. Everyday after school she'd pick me up and we'd take a ridiculous photo on a red light.

(It was hard picking photos so I used the good 'ole
"eenie meenie")


you can follow me... like twitter!: @Lexyy90

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011

Anytime you're afraid to try something new..just remember amateurs built the ark,
professionals built the titanic.
-Drizzy Drake.
( this has officially became my favorite quote. )

Yes... ladies and gentlemen. It is true, my Facebook profile has been OFFICIALLY deleted. No.. i did not get pissed off at you and block you. It was like a swarm of bees on Tuesday when I headed back to school everyone in every classroom kept asking about wheremy Facebook was. I guess I was a Facebook sensation. So my friend Brianna has suggested that I write in my blog more often because I haven't done YouTube videos in awhile and I no longer have a Facebook so she can't keep track of my life. Mostly since I no longer sit with my usual crew at lunch. This weekend was quite the scene... Kyana's 16th birthday was on Sunday so Friday night I was at her house with a case full of cold refreshing DR.PEPPER... and with Raelynn. If your not connected with my life you probably didn't know that Raelynn and I have had our differences... us getting into verbal fights and seperating Kyana and I. That's in the past now and we have now fully gotten over it... All because of this sleepover. Friday night was poppin'. It's Wednesday today and well.. I'm just in the best mood. It wouldn't be right if I didn't embarress myself though...
Cierra: HEY (Insert Name Here)
Him: Hi? Who is talking to me?
Me: Hi! *runs into fat kid almost falling*
Him: Be careful Alexis... These carpets are a bit slippery.

All of my most wildest dreams have come true. If you are my mom, Jordan or my dad. You know wassup. I don't wanna tell anyone yet because it's embarrassing that I needed them. It's more embarrassing that I have to hide them. It's funny how NOBODY has noticed. No matter how much I bring it up. 
It's hilarious because EVERYONE on the Vibe team has begun calling me A'Breezy. My nickname has become official. Today my dad was saying he was gonna put on his shirt for my upcoming performance...
"BIG BREEZY" and my mom's gonna put "MOMMA BREEZY"
(It was funnier in person)
It would be the greatest if they actually did it... I can see it now. :))

A song/songs that makes you happy and why.
I have three main songs that are on REPLAY on my iPod.
1. July by Drake
2. Can't Be Friends by Trey Songz
3. Boyfriend No. 2 Remix by Trey Songz
4. Throw it in the Bag remixx by Fabolous feat. Drake
5. Runaway by Trey Songz

1. July: Honestly.. It reminds me of my "summer crush" ;D
2. Can't Be Friends: I like the beat..and once again there is a boy! The story is we both liked eachother and he pretty much lead me on and I found out he had a girlfriend like two months later. And we'd hang out at the park with Adri and her little brothers like almost everyday last year and we'd text til I fell asleep.
3. Boyfriend No. 2 Remix: This song ALWAYS reminds me of my best friend Jordan. no homo.
It's just like a funny little remix.
4. Throw it in the Bag remixx: This song always puts me in the kinda dancey mood and I love the beat. Plusss, Drake's in it :)
"---I get a car she make sure to pay the lease,she used to have a husband until she found out that he cheats,then she filed for divorce and watched that bank account increase,she got a condo with a view, a house with a pool,her son is 26 but he just went away to school,she always show me pictures of him, tell me thats her baby,i hope that i never meet him, that n-gga look craaaazy,and I be spending all my lady chips,she got me feeling like my daddy back in 86, yeah, she say that she lucky that she his, no, I m lucky that you mine baby, you know what it issssss."
5. Runaway Remix: It tells a whole story about life. It doesn't  sugar coat what really happens in the REAL world.

thaaaasss alll i gotsss taa say todaay, forreally doe... 

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011

It's a beautiful night to live my beautiful life...
I'm coming down with a cold. I am no doctor yet i can feel the symptoms... annoyance, stuffy nose, not hungry, and I'm tired. coool.
p.s. I'm jammin' out to Drake.. hoping he will heal my sickness by tomorrow :)

Not to braaaggg or anything but my life is just SO SO SO great... Jesus is in my life again, we have started a precidence of going to church every Sunday and I have been noticing little things he has done for me and I am just ohh SO grateful. Also I just B-plused my vocab quiz in Bio and I know what I'm doing in math for once, I got two giant pretzels last night withhh THAI TEA AND I'm not in trouble. Knock on wood. Cause i DON'T DON'T DON'T want to jinx anything. ;) 
It's always the worst coming back to school on a Monday. It's always the worst coming to school sick. It's always the worst coming to school when a perfectly comfortable bed awaits you. I may just be acting overly dramatic since I'm tired, yet I doubt that's the reason. It's not like i had some horrible day. Today went exceptionally well. Except for the fact that I came to school late and I didn't get to talk to anybody. Since school has started I haven't been hanging with my usual "crew". The first day I did, but other days I sat with girls from my dance team. I'm not sure why. I feel that things are changing around me. People who are/were my friends I have been distancing from. It's like we don't have things in common anymore, if we ever even had things in common. I mean we walk to lunch together, our conversations are peaceful, but there is no meaning in our conversations anymore. Maybe it's just me. I hear it's bad to drink "too much" water. I have been drinking three bottles of water a day. Probably more. It's reeally weird. I really don't want to drown myself with water cause i heard you can... haha. (i just sounded REALLY dumb)
