Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

Yesterday is a canceled check;
Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have
spend it wisely.
- Drake

For the first time in months I stayed home and spent time with my family.
I went on a 8-mile hike today, no big deal. It was a struggle between Girl vs. Nature. I'm pretty sure I won since I didn't cut myself, or fall. Although I did trip. Alot. I didn't even have appropriate hiking attire. I was in hip-hop dance sweats, Vans and a Hollister shirt. Oh and did I mention my make-up was done and I had spritzed a bunch of perfume on? I am probably the most GIRLIEST girl that walked the earth. Four more days until my upcoming dance performance. I'm really excited cause I'm in the front in almost every dance, except the middle one. Even though I know that one better than the other two. My whole family is going which is nail-biting cause they have never seen me "bust-a-mack". I've been practicing though, tomorrow and Wednesday I have practice unfortunately. I wanted to go shopping tomorrow after school but I guess it has to be put off until Tuesday which sucks cause we have rehearsals Wednesday so HOPEFULLY I find something cute to wear. So the shirt I made SUCKED. It sucked so bad I don't even want to to post it. Let's just save the embarrassment right? My mom said it looked fine, but then again she also wanted me to shut-up cause I kept getting mad at the holes. Practice makes perfect though, so I'm going to buy a new boy shirt. Right about NOW, I'm emailing back and forth this little cutie and I think it's going great until they don't respond... coool. I'm trying to occupy my time elsewhere and yet I keep checking my iPod. Other than that though my night and day has gone rather well. It's been quite the weekend.
Time to kick back into "work mode".
-A'breezy :)

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