Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17, 2010

i got your runaway smile in my piggy bank baby, gonna cash it right in for a new mercedes.
I swear if i hear Katy Perry's California Girls, stuff will go down!

These poking wars on Facebook have gotten quite intense.
And now people who will remain nameless are yelling at me
Youu guys are the ones who started this poking war, if you wanna end it DON'T POKE ME.
It's just like the song "if you poke me i'll poke you back"
Yeah i may have remixed it, but it still works!
Speaking of Facebook, i'm really hating when people post paragraphs as there statuses.
Really? Who wants to read a paragraph?
Shorten it please.

Neyo is following me on twitter, which is pretty AMAZING.
Since he is a freaaaking R&B singer. I now feel extra coool

My house almost burned down the other day, it was so smokey you could barely see anything.
It still smeells like smoke, it's like a druggy was living here
and smoked inside.

You know what really "boils my brocolli"?
When people use random as a personality trait.
Nooo your not, everything you say and do has a thought pattern
I hate when people say:
"OMG, I'm so random, i like cheese."
No, just no... Alot of people like cheese.
Thats not random, cheese is some good food.
Does that make me random as well?


My birthday is in 7 daays.
Gonna spend it with the people who mean the most to me
I'm pretty stoked.
Kyana is getting me butt pads so i can have a Nicki Minaj booty!:)
(all my dreams will be achieved on friday.)

Day 4?: Youuur Ex.
Long story short, i got in trouble.
I was grounded for eveeeer because of him
Learned from my mistakes, now i'm moving on.

love always,

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