Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011

" You can't have a world w|out clouds, but you can have a heart full of sunshine "

Good Afternoon! I swear it gets hotter and hotter everyday yet I'm outside jammin' to T-Swift (: Today I had to stay after school unfortunately but I was with the homies and I was called a "white-girl" because I listen to Taylor Swift. I'm not white nor am I close... well maybe personality wise. I got my first letter back from Derek the other day!!! How exciting! Easter was definitely not the same without him. I had to search for eggs ALL by myself :/. I did earn 25 bucks though! My parents really thought two year olds would rather search for eggs rather than play with chalk and bubbles, they were wrong. We finally got a WII the other day and no joke, my parents have taken over it. I swear they bought it for themselves :) Secret Life of the American Teenager is back on!! It's kinda pointless to continue the episodes though since she is no longer pregnant and you can practically guess everything that is going to happen. I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the week. Free pie tomorrow at Village Inn, wooo!
- Alexis Bennett (:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011

image" Man I'm too much for these niggas, and three much for these hoes! " - Lil Wayne
O'haiiii ! (: I'm just jamming' to lil weezy and my hubby (Drake). It's been a lovely day. I had my final AIMS test and I pray that I met the standard! It's raining today, more of a slow sprinkle. It never rains here so this is quite the event. Tonight I'm going to yoga. I'm not as flexible as I used to be so this is quite the downfall, I hope I don't embarrass myself... too much . The other day my friend got put in the "buddy zone" the other day. Now before we speak of this soo called "buddy zone" shouldn't we understand what a buddy zone is?
This is the worst position someone can be in, if they have feelings for someone. When a person develops romantic feelings for someone, but the other person only sees the relationship as just being friends. Because the two are around each other a lot, the one in love will harbor his/her feelings for the others. Only to become completely comsumed by this person. This leads to the one in love to complain to all his/her friends about the situation. I've never been put into this buddy zone so I had trouble soothing her , from what I've read this seems sucky. My only close experience was freshman year, I had a HUGE crush with this guy in my class. He was a junior and I thought he was dreamy. We'd text all the time and then he got a girlfriend. Then like three months later he admitted he had a crush on me... uh story of my life much? I look back now and think what the heck did I see in this kid? Tell me your closest buddy zone experience, or if you are in the buddy zone. Time for yoga :)
Thanks so much for reading :)
- Abreezy
twitter: lexyy90
YouTube: beepboplexy ( new video!)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5, 2011

“ I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real ”
“ I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real ”
- Marc Jacobs
Helloooo world(: I got my
laptop! HUZZAHH! Its spacebar actually works and it has a shnazzy wittle webcam. I skipped some people like my friend Tasha who I haven't seen in MONTHS, if you weren't sure me and her used to be SO close and it is difficult for us to even say a mere hello to eachother. Suuuucksss! I lost a " best friend" this break but I know God has something in store for me (: I've been in my computer room for atleast two hours jammin' to Jamie Grace. She is my hero. I wrote my brother a letter the other day, I cried the whole time I typed it. Just thinking about when we were little and how we didn't really spend much time together really got me. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I wrote the letter, as I blog this I can't help but shed a tear. I know everything will turn out okay though, everything happens for a reason right? (: Aims was today, Math. I absolutely hate math, it is probably my weakest subject. I'm pretty positive I didn't exceed but im sure I passed. Thaaaank gosh! Tomorrow is bio aims, wish me luck. Hope everyone has a good week and good luck fellow aims takers! :)

- abreezy :)